Monday, October 13, 2014

Diary of a desperate doctoral student - part 1

My journey into writing my dissertation
10/9/2014 Thursday - It's Fall break, yeah, what break?
3:05 Had a meeting with Pete the learning center tutor who told me tha tno
one else will want me to get the dissertation done and that I needed at
least 4 hours every day 5 days a week in order to get it done. He told me
to treat it like a job.

10/13/2014 - Monday, it's Columbus day, good thing our university doesn't
really celebrate this but people somewhat take the day off anyways.

6:00 My alarm rings and I'm hitting the snooze button like crazy. Dear
Lord please get me up.

7:39 I'm finally up and taking a much needed shower.

9:05 Dear Lord, thanks for getting me up, now why did I miss that bus?

9:50 Finally sitting at the computer

11:17 Dear Lord, it's only been like an hour. I turned off my phone and
only going onto the internet for research purposes. This is like an
intense exercise on self-control, which I don't have. It's like self-imposed torture.

11:23 Ok, got to continue reaing this article. Maybe I'll go for a water
break. Can I take a lunch break soon?

11:40 Thanks God. Air1 just tells me that the snooze button is making me
lose sleep and less productive because of REM cycle, I'm not actually going back to sleep but just losing more hours. So actually just set it up for when I have to wake up and not hit the snooze button and just get up. Thanks God for that little hint. Please let me run the race for you Lord. Make me more like you.

12:12 - thanks so much for letting me know that this decision to work at least 4 hours everyday. Alright, only 2 more hours to go.

12:33 - wow, I'm like the queen of procrastination. Who knew my glasses needed so much cleaning? Ok, stomach is really growling, need to go take a food break now.